
Oriel Nijamkin

Buisness/Design-focused Fullstack Developer

About Me

Hey! I'm currently still in high school, and learning to be a fullstack developer with a focus on design and buisness to create a overall better product. I'm currently working on a few projects, and I'm always open to new opportunities.

My Tools / Software

Languages:Javascript, Typescript, Python

Frameworks:Next.js, React, Flask, Express, TailwindCSS, ShadcnUI, Svelte

I have used or am currently using these tools in my projects. I'm always open to learning new tools and software.


A few of my projects have been deleted, but I'm currently working on a few new ones.

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Contact Me!

/orielmn - x.com

@rapidl - discord.com

/r6pid - github.com

... more coming soon!